Lab Fees

Hello! My colleague, was asking me about lab fees and since I lecture, I’m not familiar with how they work. I tried doing a bit of research with them, especially since they work in an accredited program, we thought it was important to look into. The deal is they don’t have a computer lab, they have a tiny printing station, and a closet that’s supposed to have equipment, that hasn’t been stocked for a couple of years. The students have been paying lab fees consistently for years but there’s no lab equipment. In fact they did have a small row of computers but they were taken away because someone stole one, that’s what they said. I thought it was wild that they got rid of the remaining computers instead of just locking the classrooms or something. I’m not in the same department but maybe their building has bad locking systems, is my guess.

They also said that students are required to purchase their own laptops to bring to class, most of them are low income students so they have seen some pretty beat up ones.

I feel bad for my colleague and their students, maybe someone can fight the lab fees if possible?

Also sorry I can’t write too well at the moment I feel a migraine lurking. I should rest up haha.