Proton Drive taking up space and some user usability questions

Hey all! Hope you're having a great day.
I really appreciate all that Proton is doing and working on.

That being said the Drive app is quite barebones for me right now with usability/ease of access being quite low.
When you're on a pc and you have specific files/folders that you want to upload it's pretty easy and the drag and drop works ok.

But on my phone... it's terrible. I want to upload my main "camera" folder (has about ~5200 files in it).
Out of lack of functionality/ease I just chose to upload the entire folder... cause selecting and searching/filtering through the to-be-uploaded files/maps on my phone through the Proton Drive app is a terrible experience and completely manual.
So my idea was to just upload the entire thing and delete/organise it on pc. Seems like a waste of server energy/time to me but so be it.

-- Storage/space
For some reason the Proton Drive app is taking up space syncing and now filled up my phone storage, as if it's duplicating the entire folder and placing it on my phone AGAIN before uploading it to the Proton cloud.
Afaik, but correct me if I'm wrong, there is no reason for Drive to take up any space if all I want is to upload a Phone folder TO Proton Drive.
Nothing else, I didn't choose to download or sync anything else.
Or would this be a unavoidable consequence of having the files encrypted before syncing? ie; does this mean that anything I want to upload to the Drive will always be duplicated on my phone/storage device?

-- Proton Drive app
> randomly stops syncing/uploading after which I have to unlock my phone and refresh it to get it started again.
> crashes (100% of times) if I choose too many files at the same time to upload (hence the reason I didn't use the path: Files > + button > Upload a file

Please let me know if I'm overseeing some key to unlock a less frustrating more user friendly way of interacting with Proton Drive.

Phone: Samsung S22 Ultra
OS: standard Samsung/Android OS
App: Proton Drive