Planning a small prod cluster, would like suggestions for storage

Been reading for the past 3 months, testing in my home lab with mini PCs, and have deployed PBS as a VM on another system.

Work has ordered 3x SFF PCs with 2x1 TB SSDs and plenty of ram and another server for PBS.

I was initially thinking of just doing ZFS mirror on the 2x1 TB drives for snapshots and guaranteed data integrity, but I’ve been reading that may be unwise due to the additional writes for ZFS.

Then was considering separating the drives (one for boot / containers) one for VMs. This would allow me to ZFS replicate the VMs every 15 minutes to one or both other hosts.

Still ZFS overhead, but allows for HA.

These hosts will only store small amounts of data and will initially have very low IO needs.

Examples of VMs / containers - Netbox, Zabbix with 50 end points, Unimus, SWAG, Uptime Kuma, GrayLog, Snipe-IT.

I’d spread these out between the 3 hosts.

Any suggestions or nudges in the right direction ?