Special education teacher wanting to get a PsyD

Hello! I am an elementary special education teacher. I have been teaching for 5 years and have been wanting to go into the mental heath field after seeing how mental heath/ adhd and autism and other things affect my students. I have grown a passion for how my students process emotions and life rather than if they can do math or not! I really hate the education system in the US as well so I want out! I liked the idea of a psyD because as far as I understand it’s more clinical. I also want to get a doctorate degree because I am sick of being a teacher and treated like I am stupid and not respected. I am hoping the psyD can help that or maybe that’s just my ego talking! I am thinking of making the switch in 2026. What do you think I need to do in the mean time to build experience? I don’t really even know where to start? Should I shadow? Do research? Any advice is welcome! Thank you!