Guys Usually Have Problems With Dating Because of Money, Not How They Look or Act
We all know some broke guy that’s charming and has looks and still gets women. However, most women will easily go down from their looksmatch to have a guy that makes 100k+.
I have a number of friends in the tech industry that make $200k+, they don’t care about getting lots of girls and don’t. However, they all ended up with gorgeous wives. They didn’t date a lot, they just found a woman after some years through social circles.
I have had a number of friends that are attractive women, they date guys with money. The guys can’t be ugly or overweight, but if you look presentable and have a good career they’re interested. You may catch them with a hot guy, but they will say explicitly, “I don’t seriously date broke men I don’t care how hot they are.” This is the norm for an attractive woman who is 23+. Looks is not enough for them.
I got on Hinge for a few days last week to land some dates. I’d been off for 2 years in a relationship. Below is some of the matches and conversations. I posted my profile too. If I don’t flex lifestyle of a guy making 200k/yr I still get matches and dates, but it’s harder and the women aren’t as attractive. I’ve been on tons of online dates over the years, and the majority I’ve hooked up. The reason is, I have a nice house and car, travel twice a year, and put it up on my Instagram. I could still get women without flexing lifestyle, but showing I have a life makes it all 5x easier with better looking women, I’ve also never been asked for money or gifts from any date or girlfriend I’ve ever had.
Here’s the results of a couple days on Hinge and my profile as an example of what I’m talking about. There’s 25 pics, my profile towards the bottom.