If TRPillers were honest with what they´re saying, they would have 0 issue with single women, cat ladies, sluts etc.
If TRP was an amoral place, aimed purely at helping men get laid, if the TRPillers hated marriage and were happy bachelors then they would have 0 issue with promiscuous women, women who don´t get married and career women. If anything these women would be exactly what they want.
But we all know this isn´t true. The men in manosphere circles are SEEETHING whenever a woman says she´s happily single, whenever a woman is promiscuous etc. Whenever there is a woman like this suddenly it´s time for moralizations.
The way they get so happy when an older woman is a single cat lady is weird af. I have never seen women care about whether an older man is single. Women simply ignore low value single guys. But men get sadistic glee when an older woman is a cat lady. It has to gets shared 1000 times on X/Twitter and thousands of men have to leave mean, sadistic comments.
If women are as awful as you guys say, if they bring so little value into your life, why do you even care what they do? I think men are not honest with their feelings. They´re actually more miserable single than these "cat ladies" which is why they act like this,.