Men’s dating problems is mainly due to men fumbling.
Seems funny this sub and anti-woke commentators complain about how ‘society fails its men’, but never focusing on how men can fail each other and even themselves. No, lets blame women, feminism, and gynocentricism.
By the way, Im talking about the guys who have dating problems, not the average guy that’s doing fine or choosing to stay single.
Ways guys hurt their own dating life:
- Saying wildly inappropriate things to a girl that has shown no indication she’s comfortable with those topics.
- Showing up to dates extremely late and acting like that’s no big deal.
- Being non-social such as barely going outside and barely able to hold a conversation.
- Being picky.
- Wanting to have it both ways on things. (Wanting a hot girl who sees his inner beauty, a low n count woman fucking him immediately, etc.)
- Having very unappealing dating profiles, such as bad pictures and blank profiles.
And for some examples, Scamfish had a couple of guys that would match what Im talking about, especially 3 and 4:
Guy pursuing girls that obviously look like cam girls while not putting in effort himself. Even neglecting helping his mom to help a hot girl he’s never seen. Doesnt even have a car and cant be bother to go see this girl even though she’s not far from him. “She’s a god fearing woman.” while showing off her body in chats:
Guy somehow not getting a girlfriend since grade school. Proceeds to stalk an influencer to get to talk to her. Doesn’t understand how creepy he is:
Guy spends 5 years talking to online girlfriend and never even hearing her voice. Didnt ever bother checking that the real youtuber got married a year after ‘knowing’ the guy. Also, he basically admits he doesnt really put effort into pursuing a relationship:
Fat, balding, aging, but has a laundry list of requirements for women:
I’ll say this a million more times. First, you have to have SOMETHING appealing to women. If you not hot, not fun, and not rich, what are women suppose to go for? Second, if youre not even socializing, how are gonna get a girlfriend? Hollering that ‘women standards are too high’ is meaningless when the guy gives women nothing to work with, especially if she wouldnt even want to be friends with the guy.