Women who settle are the female equivalent of an undateable guy.

Women who have something going for them marry chads.

I never understood why RP'ers always paint women settling post wall as some kind of cushy retirement or an example of women having their cake and eating it too, settling for some guy who has nothing going for him other than a wallet is the equivalent of a loser male that dosent get dates or has unfulfilling relationships.

Its even worse to have so much potential and squander it, I always used to lmao when I saw girls I used to know or date who ended up married to some office dork and moved to suburbia because women of actual quality do usually marry the chad.

In my social groups ive also noticed it clearly, the women who have lots going for them also tend to be married to tall and successful men, they usually have a few kids and a happy family.

The women who are what a lot of RP'er paint as stereotypical women are either single, divorced or married to some dork who dosent get invited to dinner parties, The divide really is pretty clear.

CMV: settling is the mark of a loser woman, its as bad as being a foreveralone guy.