I’ll Answer the “Why Don’t Men Read Our Profiles?” Question.
Girls the reason we don’t read your profiles before swiping is simple, to us the apps a numbers game if we swiped the way women swipe we would get f**k all engagement from women on the apps, so we excessively swipe to increase our chances. Men do not get nearly the same engagement or likes as women on the apps heck not even just the apps but even in general dating.
We’re less picky because when we go on the apps and see 0 likes for the past several months we’re inclined to just increase our odds written profile or not, women of the modern age listen carefully you’re succeeding better than us men in dating meaning you’re likely to find the partner you’re looking for based on you digging through piles of dirt to find him, us men are lucky to even find a field full of dirt to dig through, your profiles might be interesting but it’s not important they’re women who have nothing written and still receive 500 plus likes, they’re women with pictures of just their dog and still receive 500 plus likes. The game is in favour of you guys NOT US we’re on these to try as best as we can, you’re on these to vet as best as you can there’s a difference.