Just had an appt with great Dr at QuickMD. He was very easy to talk to and made the process super easy for getting subs with no judgement. He even gave me his cell # if I had questions I can text him. The state law here in CA says he can only prescribe 7 days initially, then I have to schedule another appt within that time to get set up on monthly. I guess if you’re on subs already or were recently on them then they will just start you out with monthly supply. I did have subs prescribed to me about 4 years ago but that didn’t count, it was too long ago. The initial script i got today is 8-2mg strips 3x per day for 7 days, which I am pretty happy with.
I’m so tired of Tia!!!. Thought I could quit with tapering on sulfate and got down from 20+gpd sodium to 2-3gpd sulfate but then rebounded up and down. And something Ive realized as my dose kept dropping…. I need to take something. Like i physically and mentally need something. For a decade, taking substances from kratom, to oxy and now to tia has become such a part of my life and why iam where I am at. I need that desire and addiction to go away, which I am hoping the subs will do for me. I know I’m swapping one substance for another but tia is not sustainable financially as I’m sure you all know. I’ve got a few more doses of tia and then am going to jump to subs after that. I guess my point in writing this is to just say how easy it was to get subs, the Dr was awesome, and how excited I am for soon to have freedom from tia!