need help rehoming an aggressive rat

so i feel really guilty about this, but i cant deal with my aggressive rat blista anymore. she doesn’t bite in defense, she will come up to my hands while i’m feeding them, arranging the cage, cleaning, basically doing anything and bite hard enough to draw blood. at first she was just biting me and my boyfriend, which we could deal with, but recently my baby spinach has had scars and deep gashes on her back. i’ve never seen blista actually bite her, but i know they fight because i’ve heard it and the only time i’ve ever seen any of them hiss is when spinach hissed and blista. and spinny is never aggressive or instigating. it’s always spinny and blista fighting. i have a third rat, bjorn, and she’s very timid and mild mannered and both of them get along perfectly with her. it’s always only blista and spinach who are at it. i just can’t deal with the aggression anymore. it’s always unprovoked and i don’t want her to cause spinach any more pain or stress. i really need help figuring out what to do as far as rehoming goes. i’m not attached to blista and she’s not attached to us. any advice? i’m in the northern virginia area, near washington dc, and any advice or help is appreciated.