I keep questioning my choice

Hey there, I’m a 29 yr old guy currently studying in New-Brunswick, Canada. The idea is to move back to my home province ; Quebec, once I graduate.

My life the past 10 years has been in school, trying to find out what I want to do as a job. Around 25, I discovered a big passion for nutrition and how it impacts our body, genetic makeup, risk of developing disease and how our choices as societies can impact the environment and the economy.

I still have 2 more years to go until graduation and it’s been a breeze. Even though I keep questioning my choice every term, it never has been easier to be in school.

But like I said, questioning this path keeps coming back. I wonder if I’ll struggle financially - if I’ll actually hate the tasks the job requires - if I’ll wish I had gone into a digital art program or something creative in a field (like video games) (an industry that also has its flaws) I’m so passionate about.

I try to envision my ideal future and it’s tough to paint. I’m a great speaker and writer, I enjoy video making and editing and voice acting. Maybe I could become an online “presence”. I spoke with multiple professors, all RDs, and they all encourage me to going. I’m also told by one of them that she sees in me (in a good way) an RD different from the more common type. Despite all that I keep feeling uneasy as I question it all.

I guess I’m scared to hate the job itself in the end and feel like I invested all this time, energy and money into something that in the end I will nit enjoy. I kinda want to get out of the student life and start living more.

Lots of “I” and “me me me”, sorry about that.

Cut short ; Worried about salary, enjoyment of work, flexibility in opportunities and work-life balance.

What do you guys think ?

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer.