Massive Fraud Is Being Committed Though Property Assessments in Multiple Counties. Proof.

I am not the best at explaining this simply, so I will leave information for you to lookup. This is incredibly important. Whistleblowers are coming forward in multiple places in the US to expose property tax assessment fraud. This is huge.

In Denton County, TX, we have a court case and a sworn testimony from the chief appraiser, Don Spencer of the Denton County appraisal district, that they knew what was happening.

Random article:

Court document:

Partial transcript:


Minutes 36:38 to 39:30: Chief Appraiser Don Spencer justifies & discusses correcting 60,000 property record values outside of the software by exporting, changing & re-loading data.  Tax Assessor Collector Michelle French comments on the enormity of the task being done in excel and on the potential for error.

Other places reported:

Tarrant County (Fort Worth):'s%20tax%20rate%20has,rates%20year%2Dover%2Dyear.

75% of property assessments were incorrect in Jackson County, Missouri:

Some of the best info out there about the situation:

Edited to add the correct article link to the Tarrant County article