Requesting Feedback On Quickstart Guide

Hey everyone, so you've probably seen me discuss mechanics and ideas revolving around my Cozy Fantasy Smithing TTRPG, and I've recently made a Quickstart that I'd like everyone's opinion on.

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I would have made one sooner, before the Kickstarter launched, but I honestly didn't know it is as important as people recently have told me.

The PDF covers all of the basics rules, mechanics, and loops, but also contains GM advice, pregenerated tables, pregenerated characters, and (optional) enemies as well.

It's barebones, as the whole point of the KS is to fund an artist and graphic/layout designer to really bring everything to the next level - so this was made by me, using the advice of a friend.

Is the document easy to read? Understand? Does it do its job of allowing you to play and have fun, while leaving you eager to see more?