Am I missing out by not using Necromancy?

First time RuneScape player doing a lore-friendly playthrough where I'm trying to avoid obvious sixth age or age of chaos content until I unlock it via quests. I've been immensely enjoying it so far as I'm a sucker for world building. I have made some exceptions by completing the first quest of the forinthry quest line, going to Anacrhonia, and going to the Guthix Monument, but would I be misisng out if I left Necromancy until I unlocked it in age of chaos?

Edit: Thanks for all the responses guys! It seems like a lot of you are doing the same and haven't found using Necromancy strictly necessary so I'll probably hold off on it for now, at least until after I complete Swan Song and Missing Presumed Death. I don't see myself getting into bossing until after I complete most of the quests, otherwise I might also have started Necromancy for PVM.