[REQUEST] My grandma survived a traumatic car accident, will be in rehab for months, and loves nothing more than getting cards! [US]

My 89-year-old grandma just survived a crazy car accident where she was a passenger and got t-boned on her side, flipped three times in the car, and landed upside down for 30 minutes before she was rescued. She’s one tough cookie and is a walking miracle with only a few broken ribs and two spinal fractures. She also beat cancer at 85 and has lost so many family members, including her daughter to cancer. Her favorite thing in the world is getting cards in the mail. My dad and I usually send 2-3 each for every holiday.

Would you help me send love and encouragement to her while she is in rehab? I don’t live close by, so I won’t be able to see the cards and thank everyone appropriately, but I know getting a bunch of cards would help lift her spirits when she’s in pain and having a bad day. I would greatly appreciate any help in making this tough and brave (yet incredibly sweet) lady feel loved beyond what my dad and I can do! Thank you!!!

EDIT - thank you so freaking much to everyone who is sending a card. The more the merrier! I have teared up so many times thinking about how much joy she is going to have with every mail delivery. I am so full of gratitude to each and every one of you - thank you!!!

UPDATE: I told her she was about to get some really fun mail from kind people from all over and she was over the moon. Apparently her friend who was driving (also ended up with broken ribs and such) is on hospice now, so she’s about to lose one of her closest friends. Despite that, she is making huge strides in physical therapy and is keeping her spirits high, and the rehab staff told her it could be weeks instead of months before she gets back home! I know each card will help her through that. Thank you so much to all who have sent cards and are sending them. I will see if I can take photos when I go visit at the end of the month. I am so grateful to all of you!