[Contest] I may suffer, you may win...
So the saga...3 months ago I ended up with an over night stay at hospital with surgery the next day. The wound has still not healed. I have been seeing nurses for the past 3 months to check the wound and was constantly told it takes a while. Finally got a nurse who i had seen previously who was not happy it wasn't healed and worried it may become much worse. After a trip to the Dr's yesterday I have an appointment with a surgeon (i think) tomorrow. My doc said it could involve another operation. So will i be be kept in hospital tomorrow for further surgery or let out into the world? (I am taking an overnight bag JIC).
So da rools
Guess Yes OR no for if I have to stay in.
Will end either tomorrow or Friday and gifting soon afterwards
You need to have in intro and gifted in the last 6 months
Have GC/email on your WL just in case and please make sure you WL is easily accessible for mobile