Am I being unreasonable?
I M42, don't drink at all, smoke or take drugs. I lift weights, eat healthy-ish and do Martial Arts (for fun/exercise only).
I was talking to a female friend (not into me). I told her that I don't date, heavy drinkers (one glass is ok) or women who try to pressure me into drinking, smokers... anymore AND if the woman wasn't at least proportionally strong (can deadlift her own bodyweight for reps) it really wasn't worth trying...
*She asked me if I'd date a 'big girl' and I told her 'if a woman can deadlift her own bodyweight on the bar for 10reps without getting out of breath, I don't really care how big her ass is' as a joke (true within reason).
She told me that my standards are too high and shallow? That I'm equivalently screwed as the ladies looking for, 6ft, 6figures, 6pack...
Thing is, I'm not asking for anything I don't offer but math wise I think she might be correct?
Btw: I don't need/care about my partners hight, income, past etc (again within reason AND as long as it IS in the past lol). I'm not looking to have kids/start a family. I have my own place, car job etc. I do my own cooking/cleaning (don't mind it). And honestly I'd rather be single that date a sloppy drunk!