Getting personal

Does anybody ever hate when customers ask you personal questions?

Like I don’t mind “how are you?”, “how’s your day going?” “How were your holidays?” Like those are normal typical questions. Personally I’d rather not have a conversation at all but whatever.

But I’ve had customer ask me things like “did you lose weight?”, “what’s your necklace mean?” “Do you have pets/what are their names?” “What book are you reading?” (I keep books by my counter to read when I’m bored) “what are you eating?”, “what are your plans this week/weekend?” And so forth

Like none of this is any of your business. It’s annoying cause A) it’s not their business and b) now I have to explain and they don’t understand or don’t agree with me and I’m like, why did you ask.

The other day I had one of my witchcraft books on my counter. Typically it’s tucked away but I was reading when the customer came in so I kinda just placed it down. They started asking me questions and getting super weird about it, asking about if I believe in the devil and shit and I just honestly didn’t feel like explaining things to her. So I just put the book under the desk and tried to change the subject.

I had another lady ask me this morning why I always wear black. Now to be fair, I do wear a lot of black. But my outfit isn’t even all black today. There’s not that much black in this outfit. So I’m like “?”. But again, why is that her business? I don’t ask her why she wears a stained cardigan every time she comes in. Cause it ain’t my business.

Like maybe it’s just me. Idk do these things bother other people