🌌 Galaxy Sparkle 🎆

So this product list is going to be a little ridiculous because this started out as last week’s manicure and then I got my BKL order and had to try it out! I'll go in order of application.

Round 1 (Time approx. 6 hrs): P(H)re-Game - Sassy Sauce VNL Blur #1 - Cupcake Polish Hard as Nails - Sally Hansen Grape Soda - Olive and June Northern Lights 🧲 - Vanessa Molina (PPU 12/24) Fanny Tree - Penelope Luz (PPU 11/22) Scattered Holo Taco Clearly on Top - KBShimmer

Round 2 (very fast): Give It Back Tenfold - BKL Glossy Taco

I liked how this turned out before and I'll post pictures of that in the comments, but holy moly the BKL really adds to it! Both the Vanessa Molina and the BKL are super smooth formulas!