The Thank You! Jerry doesn't dates an Over Thanker. Kramer found a spiritual teacher and is learning to be more thankful. Elaine is disliked at the office after she missed saying Thanks to a door holder. George is annoyed at work by the thank you emails he keeps getting as replies.
George and Jerry sitting at the Coffee shop
J: I can't take it any more. She thanks me for everything.
G: I count my thank yous I only give 5 per day that's the maximum i'll do, unless it's a holiday.
J: The other day she really crossed the line. She thanked me for kissing her. I don't want to be thanked for everything.
G:You should try the counting method. Count the number of thanks she's giving out. She might be an over thanker.
J: An over Thanker! You think I'm dealing with an over thanker?
G: I think you might be my friend. Does she also say 'sorry' a lot. That's another symptom of over thankers.
J: yes she does like to apologize a lot. Just the other day she said sorry to a total stranger in the subway because she thought she might have looked at him for too long.
G: hmm an apology for prolonged eye contact. Interesting!
Jerry's apartment. Elaine and Jerry are talking while Kramer is looking for something in the fridge.
E: They hate me Jerry I can just feel it.
J: But how did you miss it?
E: I didn't notice her holding the door. I was talking to the new guy that just started last week. He was kind of flirting with me.
K: well how often do you go through that door?
E: i don't know quite a lot i guess it's one of the main doors.
K: Is it usually open?
E: Not really it's a big door kind of tough to open actually.
K: Well The hatred is well earned.
E: arggh really? i don't know what to do Jerry
J: I am afraid to tell you but you're gonna have to become the door holder of the office. If you hold the door for the said person and others in the office maybe they'll start to see you in positive light.