Buying rep?
I’ve been part of a Facebook group that sells 1:1 and mirrored replicas of designer bags for a long time, and I’ve had my eye on a replica LV Bumbag and Speedy for quite a while. But every time I consider buying one, I second-guess myself.
Where I live, it feels like everyone owns designer bags—whether they’re authentic or not. No one really questions it because it’s a wealthy area. Still, I can’t shake the feeling that if I get a replica, people will know it’s fake. They’d probably assume I couldn’t afford a $2-$3k bag, and even if I could, they’d think I wouldn’t spend that much on one.
Am I overthinking this? Should I just go for it or should I just buy a nice quality bag of another brand? These $300ish mirrored replicas are supposedly so good they could pass for the real thing, even at the brand’s own stores.