How many of The Greater Mind bots could you avatar, hypothetically, beat in a fight?
Hey. Haven't posted in a while, decided to make a fun interaction post type thing. You state how many of these robots you think your avatar could beat in a fight, with justification (this is important) , and I will either counter your point or agree with it. Depends on the answer you give. Info below.
Pictured is a Greater Mind 'grunt'. These are the models that you will be fighting in this hypothetical. They are all sturdy builder-grade industrial bots who were built withstand a lot of heavy, physical work, which translates to their fighting. They can withstand most things, but an extended time frame of extreme conditions could put them out of service. Also, they can be taken apart and KEPT apart (most bots have self-healing capabilites, so it is important to keep body parts separte so they stay down), or their heads can be smashed in (the heads store the equivalent to the internal organs. Though this option may be more difficult since the chicken hood acts as a sort of helmet, which makes it harder to hit the head itself). They do not have true emotional capacity, so trying to win them over won't work. Their main weapon is the sword, though they also use tools like hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, anything you could find on a building site.
Hey. Haven't posted in a while, decided to make a fun interaction post type thing. You state how many of these robots you think your avatar could beat in a fight, with justification (this is important) , and I will either counter your point or agree with it. Depends on the answer you give. Info below.