A question to people not familiar to the lore: What did you think about the "big reveal" of Void Shadows?

So I'm at the point where I just defeated the Magos (It was one hell of a fight but my unkillable Heindrix handled them thank the Emperor), and it crossed my mind: Did people who don't know what a Genestealer invasion is, feel suspense?

Because for me, the story was quite good, but I've seen it a thousand times. Mysterious murders. Disappearings. Something wrong with the corpse. Then we find out about a cult. And then the revelation is always Gene stealers. I must admit, the first time I heard this story, it was utterly terrifying to me, and even in void shadows, there were moments I would without a doubt would have accused anyone of mutation (which is why I tunred down the help of the Inferni. Won't risk them tunring out to be neophytes). And the Warp fight with Weisz was a really good touch. I also loved the way the Blood Spun web let us know of the enemy within. It was a good story for me, but obviously at the point Heindrix was spouting exposition I was just yawning, like "YEAH IT'S ABOUT TIME HEINDRIX!". (Btw I think putting it "on the box" was a horrible mistake, even though understandable from a marketing point)

I'm wondering though. How did you feel when you heard about genestealers for the first time? How did it feel investigating after them? What was it like going into their lair? How did you react when you saw the freaks for the fisrst time? Was it compelling to you? Or was it just as obvious as it was for me?