Fictional characters personal hygiene "concerns"

I put concerns between quotes because I'm obviously joking. But can I admit how it makes me itchy how often characters are described as coming home from work and just...changing their clothes? No showers? Or how often they have great adventures and talk about sweating and feeling hot and then coming home and then just...same? No showers, no baths, not even a lil swishy swishy beneath your armpits. Maybe because I'm in a tropical country and it's hot and humid and I'm often showering these things just bother me! And i know, I'm aware climate changes how often people bathe. But, my brother in Christ, you just wrote a whole paragraph about how filthy you felt from a long day's work!

Am I the only one? Or do you have similar itches about things fictional characters do/don't do. Just curious.

Ps. I notice i see more about hygiene in historical fiction which is interesting, considering they don't have running water lol.