Looking for a romance book that primarily leaves the reader with vibes, a la David Lynch.

I'm looking for a romance book that's heavy in vibes. Vibes books are like vibes movies, you might not remember the story, the story might not even be that great, but the space that media exists in and the way it makes you feel are unforgetable (think Lost Highway or DUNE by David Lynch or Tron Legacy or Pan's Laberynth or Mirror Mask).

Vibes romance books I've read include: {The Chocolate Touch by Laura Florand}

{Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh}

{Fear and Other Love Languages by Eveda Vice}

{Bitterburn by Ann Aguire}

{Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge}

{Priestess by Kara Reynolds}

{Priest by Sierra Simone}

I'm not asking for any particular romance subgenre (though I personally won't read mafia or cop stories), and not even a HEA, just that the book brings me into another world and leaves flashes of that world in my brain for the rest of my life. 😉