Need help with choosing a LI!

So this is a bit of a silly request as I've already read Sails in the Fog, however, it was so long ago and a kind of broken up read (based on the release schedule and breaks in between reading) that I'm not really sure who to chose for my reread to get achievements (not all of them, just the ones I would've gotten if achievements had been a thing when I first read)!

My first play through was with Sebastian, but by the end of the story I do remember I was so not into him I feel it dragged the end of the story down for me! 😬

I've looked at the available LI's and I just don't know who to choose that would ensure a good overall reading experience. ☹

Who do you all recommend? My preferences are for protective, loyal men. Ones that don't try to control the MC, and is into her but not a simp (at least not right away!). I'm also not into red flags, though if there's a satisfying redemption arc I'm down!