Weekly 'Do I have rosacea?' advice request thread. Please post here instead of making a new thread! Jan 13
If you think you might have something like rosacea and are looking for advice about whether you should seek professional care, please post your inquiry in this thread instead of creating a new post. To keep requests from crowding out other discussion in r/Rosacea, separate posts will be automatically removed and the posters directed here instead.
- Please limit answers to things like, "Yup, that looks like it could be rosacea to me, maybe you should to see a doc" or "No, it looks like it could be something else."
- Refrain from amateur diagnoses, speculation, and armchair medical advice, especially non-rosacea related.
REMINDER: THE INTERNET IS BAD AT DIAGNOSING STUFF. Although redditors try to be helpful, only doctors can diagnose rosacea and it often takes a specialist like a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. Rosacea looks like a lot of things, and a lot of things look like rosacea; some of these things are potentially serious. It is impossible for amateurs to diagnose rosacea reliably from pictures or descriptions of symptoms, and this thread is not intended as a substitute for professional care.
No matter what response you get here, if your symptoms have been persistent and you're concerned that you might have something like rosacea, see a doctor to get a real answer.
And be sure to check out the our wiki for some rosacea knowledge basics if you're trying to figure out if you need professional medical advice.