To defer or not to defer NYC
With a little over 10 weeks to go, I’m debating whether or not I should run this year’s New York City Marathon. For some background context I started my training back in April and did mostly strength training and light mileage. By mid July, I started my training plan with my first long run being 8 miles because I had worked up to that mileage. My last long run was at the end of July and it was 10 miles. At that point I was running 5 days a week and in the gym 1. Since then, I’ve done only three runs thanks to a strained hamstring, I got at the end of July. I’ve been healing up and doing PT. I’m also recovering on my other leg from a pretty bad calf cramp up that came about on my first run and back post injury about a week ago (it was a 4 mile run).
I consulted my PT and my orthopedic doctor and both say I shouldn’t defer but that more stretching is a must. My coach seems hesitant and part of me wants to still try even if my coach can’t give me a plan. Am I just an irrational runner at this point or is this actually doable?