12 days of winter solstice help. Which days to celebrate the moon & sun
My husband and I are doing what we're calling the 12 days of Winter Solstice. We basically have 12 different themed days, including a day for the sun and a day for the moon. Typically Winter Solstice is a celebration or calling back of the sun. But in my mind it makes more sense to celebrate the moon during the longest night (21st), and then celebrate the return of the sun on the 22nd when it's the first day of having slightly more daylight. I know it's all about finding your own path and adjusting to your own beliefs and what not. But I feel bad? I don't wanna disrespect or upset the sun by celebrating the moon on its important day. But then again I don't actually believe the sun or moon are actual beings or sentient so would it really affect anything? I still feel like it would. I'm conflicted.
I was definitely the child who kept every doll on her bed and kissed every single one goodnight because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings 😅