French O-levels Oral, need help!

Salut! I'm taking my French oral exam tomorrow and honestly, I haven't prepared anything T_T I'm not an MOELC student so my French is purely based off of the 1h 30 mins class I have on Saturdays and off of TikTok (ᵕ—ᴗ—)

  • Can any French student please give me a rundown of the whole oral exam process?
  • As well as some questions and topics that were asked in the previous years 🙏🙏
  • and any other tips one may have! any advice will be greatly appreciated!

I know it's kinda too late to ace this exam the day before, but I'm more scared of embarrassing myself in front of the examiners more than failing.

Merci beaucoup!

edit: it's currently 12 AM. i give up. I'm gonna go into that room and say, "Je suis désolée. Je ne comprends pas." and only answer "Oui" et "Non" to every question thrown at me. I'm just praying that I can pull up my grade for the papers because seriously... I can't do this >_< J'abandonne!