school keeps biasing for this girl simply because shes new
okay so im like sec 3 (15M) and im in the pure humanities class in my school so the regular combi is like double pure science double humans. and then theres this girl whos also in my class who takes 7 subjects unlike the rest of us who take 8 (no pure humanities) so we dk why shes in our class but its okay
so she actually was in sch in sec 1, but then shes really random in when she comes to school and we all just thought she disappeared randomly mid-sec 1 and the whole of sec 2. then right she came back at the end of sec 2 just to take exams. now shes in my class and dear god shes annoying.
basically sometimes she just doesnt come to school also and since she wasnt here in sec 1-2 she has a lot to catch up on but the thing is that she just watches yt on her pld and uses her phone during breaks and ACTIVELY BREAKS SCHOOL RULES. the worst part is sometimes she doesnt even come to school in sch uni, and she wears this shirt that looks like a hoodie. (BTW, YOU CAN LITERALLY BORROW A SCHOOL UNI FROM THE SCHOOL AND SHE SHOWED UP THE NEXT DAY IN SCH UNI WHEN SOMEONE CALLED HER OUT FOR IT) and like she doesnt even pay attention in class and doesnt even study??
so right context: shes in my cca (drama) and we have this thing where we mentor the sec 1s as they have to be separate from syf. so initially its me and two sec 4s who are like the main ppl who do all the briefing and sometimes scolding cos the sec 1s know us the most, but for some reason we have way too many ppl who are helping us out so we cannot properly allocate. but like ive been trying to do so and it has been perfectly okay. THEN THIS GIRL COMES IN, AND CHANGES MY ENTIRE SYSTEM.
she wants to do some rotations between who does what which btw is really stupid since some of our helpers arent very outspoken and cant brief?? the og plan was for everyone to do the same job everyday, either leading bonding games, being the sec 1's buddies, or briefing. and everyone was okay with this but this ah girl went to talk with the teachers to change the system. but i gave her the benefit of the doubt and let her try it out for one session and i was sick that day. i tried advising her but then she just told me "its alr you rest first gws" and like i thought "oh maybe she just has good intentions, lets try it out!" WORST MISTAKE EVER
the ONE DAY i let her try it out, apparently she and another mentor fought IN FRONT OF THE SEC 1s, reversely she did everything and didnt give the sec 2 mentors a chance to lead DESPITE THAT BEING IN HER AGENDA?? and basically after that the sec 1s went from liking coming to cca to not because now there are "politics" in cca. so right when i heard of this i was so pissed cos this literally strayed us so much from the objective of getting them to enjoy cca and be passionate abt it (a bit idealist, i know, but i have been taking full accountability if it doesnt work out and discuss w the teachers of my plan)
she also got a lot of attitude problem, bcos the same girl she fought with once told her to stop using her phone in front of the sec 1s. guess what she did. she said AND I QUOTE, "if u have a problem with me just say." like excuse me u did smt wrong and ur not taking accountability
so right the next session one of the sec 4 main mentors told me everything that happened and the girl she fought with begged me to kick her out from mentorship. afterwards me and her talked with one of the TICs about her and she had a talk with the girl.
okay so the main problem: basically sometimes i sit at her table bcos it allows me to talk with my friends and my friends are quite smart lah so i want to ask them for help. then this girl has a problem with it cos i never ask for her permission BUT LIKE SHE DOESNT EVEN COME FOR ALL THE DAYS AND ONE TIME SHE CAME, KICKED ME OUT OF THAT SEAT, AND DISAPPEARED FOR ANOTHER 2 HOURS. but fine im in the wrong for not asking her for permission but when she saw me the day after that cca session, she told me to GET OUT. without any reason. and considering how pissed i was with her and her attitude and her, i "shouted" (in her words, moreso i raised my voice angrily) at her that she had an attitude problem and she needs to fix it, then i also told her that im sure the teacher had told her. guess what she interpreted the teacher telling her "she has an attitude problem" as? that I AM BOSSY.
okay, so, i understand that sometimes i can be bossy and self absorbed some times which i fully understand. i also acknowledge that i shouldnt have raised my voice at her. but basically afterwards she went to the form teacher and started complaining abt me?? then i got into a small talk with the year head, which tldr she told me i shouldnt have raised my voice yadayadayada i understand. BUT u know what this girl said?
"i had a chem exam that day and i was nervous because i didnt study, and him shouting at me made me even more nervous" and started guilt tripping the teacher by saying she cried in the bathroom and had an, AND I QUOTE, anxiety attack.
now, i wouldve been very sorry for my actions and i went into that talk with the full intention to apologise as it was uncalled for. but the issue is, its the fact she ADMITTED SHE DIDNT STUDY, but then blamed ME if she didnt do well. like excuse me hello. and its not even that shes just bad at chem. she WATCHES YT IN CHEM LESSONS instead of paying attention when she does show up for lessons, and she literally tells us that she'll catch up with her studies but quite obviously isnt taking actions. so obviously afterwards i am really pissed as this girl cant take accountability for her actions AS OBVIOUS BY HER INTERPRETING THE TEACHERS TALK WITH HER AS THAT IM BOSSY. this b even said that i was "self absorbed and probably because im insecure inside", which after the talk really hurt me and like im aware of it, but its the fact that DURING THAT TALK WHEN I APOLOGISED, she literally didnt catch it and i had to apologise again. so like shes only looking at when im doing something wrong and obvi not looking at patching up relationships.
literally after the talk my ft told me that like not to be too hurt by this incident and she actually heard me out unlike my year head. (btw, my year head kept yapping abt taking perspectives after ignoring me when i said other ppl also believe the same way about her when I ASKED FOR OTHERS PERSEPCTIVES)
but my ft actl told me a lot of things abt her. AND OH MY GOD ITS LITERALLY SO BIASED FROM THE SCHOOL. so apparently they made her sit in that location solely because the FTs want her to sit with smart people so they can rub off on her or smt. and she wants us to include her more and not ostracise her. this would be understandable, except for the fact that she genuinely has an attitude problem
and its not that shes just new therefore we dl her. OUR CLASS LITERALLY HAS SO MANY PPL WHO JOINED THIS YEAR, who we all respect and include. so really, my question is this: why are we promoting inclusivity and forcing us to fake nice to her even when she isnt to us, at the expense of OUR learning?
anyways i just need to know everyones opinion on this bcos like everyone in my class and cca agrees she deffo has attitude problem and lack of accountability. i mean i know im in the wrong in taking her seat and raising my voice, but the sch's lack of action against her is damn concerning?? my main gripe with the issue is that she obviously should be taken to task by the sch but it seems like the school doesnt want to do anything just because shes new and has "circumstances" (THAT NONE OF US KNOW.) idk how they expect my class to accomodate her when shes obviously not receptive to it. idw to be mean but like the school is kind of giving her special treatment and its so obvi when the year head kept taking HER SIDE in the whole thing. i couldnt even explain myself properly because the yh kept dismissing me whenever i brought up wrong abt her.
again, i know i also am at fault, but when she literally has aggravated me to the point that i had to do it bcos of her attitude and lack of accountability, maybe theres a reason why no one likes her. tbh, the "inclusivity" thing is kind of a bad reason bcos we can include ppl if they dont have attitude to almost every1?? like why are we willing to risk everybodys comfort just to include someone who is so mean and rude to us??
tldr; girl has attitude problem and consistently breaks school rules but is new so school seems not to want to take action to "reintegrate her" back into the school and is telling US to be inclusive. seems like they are giving her special treatment.