Xifaxan is a scam!
I was diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth). My gastroenterologist prescribed Xifaxan and Neomycin for 2 weeks to ‘reset my gut’. The neomycin was only $25. The Xifaxan was $2,700 for 42 pills. My insurance denied any coverage at first. They did finally agree to help but only covered about $1,700 of it. I had to pay the rest out of pocket. I took the pills as prescribed and my digestion completely stopped. It was literally the worst two weeks of my life. I wouldn’t want anyone to experience what I went through. If you don’t finish the pills the bacteria could come back stronger. So, I kept taking them while keeping my mind on the end goal. When I was done with the pills I didn’t feel better at all. I had a few moments when I didn’t eat that I felt great but when I did eat, my stomach reacted worse than before. My doctor did tell me that I may need a second round of the pills to really kill it all. However, what he failed to mention is that it is only temporary relief so, the problem will most likely come back. I called Xifaxan to see if they’d reimburse for the $1,000 I spent on a product that didn’t work. They refused to help. I will be changing to a different doctor as well, as I’ve found out from the Xifaxan company that SIBO is not recognized by the FDA as an actual disease. I’m taking it into my own hands and I will be following the MEVY diet (meat, eggs, vegetables and yogurt) as that information is free and will get your stomach under control naturally. Do not take these antibiotics. They will not help you long term. They are a ridiculous waste of money and they put you through some of the most painful side effects. Xifaxan is a scam!!