Disappointed in you guys
Let me ask you this…. Pretend you’re back in high school or college.
Whenever you had an assignment due, did you turn it in 1,2, or 3 weeks early; or did you wait till the last possible moment?
Now let’s pretend you got an extension. You didn’t turn in that assignment the next day did you? You milked it for every minute you got, no?
How about when you are told you’re getting X parcel. Do you call the seller or the postal carrier before it’s supposed to arrive? No.
Sometimes it comes in early, great!
The 10k isn’t due till the 25th and they said on the ER they will make it.
It’s the 24th.
Chill the fuck out. Put down your pitch forks and grab a bourbon; it’s the last night you will be in your current financial situation.
I spend my time fiddling with the Porsche builder tool on my next 911. It’s a good feeling.
Go day dream.
Come back Wednesday morning.
That is all.