Omicron Drop Report: The Final Frontier
Did Egnards, just make a Star Trek joke on a Star Wars subreddit? GET HIM!
- The last one of these we did was over a year ago
- Here's a video report, for those that want to see me get frustrated with conspiracy theories
Here's the reality - CG has a lot of things we can and should criticize them for, as does EA. And while [if you want] you can criticism them for the omicron drop rate, one thing that really annoys me is when people criticize things that aren't even real - "Omicrons don't exist in Cantina," or, "I've been playing for 17 years and only seen like 3 drop."
It devalues the space in which we can make valid and real complaints about actual things happening.
So without further ado. . .
- This is a pretty big jump from the last time we did data, where we were looking at somewhere around 212 battles per omicron, however we've also almost doubled the amount of data available to us.
- Typically CG likes to use easy numbers. I personally believe the actual drop rate is .5% flat, and not this very round .512131878 [I made up those numbers after the second digit, don't fact check me], which would probably give us a 1:200 chance
- Because of the low drop rate on omicrons it's very possible to see no drops for a month, and then multiple drops in a week. .It happens.
You can listen to first hand math: On our Discord