Housing/area check: 1st-3rd avenue & 32nd (north oak park)
Hi all, I am sorry that this is super annoying. We are in a tricky spot in that we are relocating to Sacramento and need to nail down some housing but unfortunately have limited time to visit and apply. I will be working at UC Davis Medical Center, so trying to stay close to that.
We found a rental in North Oak Park area (within that little triangle of Broadway-3rd Ave-Alhambra Blvd). For reference, we are a late 20s-early 30s married couple with a couple of dogs, no kids. I would love to be able to walk/bike to work (as a petite female) and feel safe, as well as go for runs outside.
From what I've read, seems like this is a decent area. Maybe some sketchy stuff going on at night but nothing egregious. Thoughts?