All the problems I'm having with Profiles
Profiles holds promise but I have nothing but issues with it. When the profiles dropdown doesn't appear in the current window, dragging the default menubar to the window (a solution some threads are offering) only works if I close the sidebar to reveal the profile dropdown in the current window. And then of course I can no long customize the menubar. You cannot have both the sidebar and the profile dropdown showing at the same time.
After closing the sidebar to get to the profile dropdown to appear, in order to switch profiles, I'm forced to open a new window in the profile I'm switching to (the other profiles are under "New Window." I just want to keep the sidebar open and switch between profiles and see the tab groups for each profile in the sidebar. This should be very smooth. I think they need a separate Profiles toolbar to activate in the View dropdown so it's accessible whether or not the sidebar is open.
If I go to the Window dropdown to try to get to an open window in another profile, that's a mess. I see many open windows with my name that I haven't yet assigned to a tab group (okay, I need to address that), then some windows from other profiles but there is no indication which profile they're associated with (and I sometimes have the same website in different profiles), except for the times there is! Also, sometimes the same website appears in the Window list more than once, with "null" next to some of the examples. Somehow I am spawning duplicate windows for the same web page in the same profile.
My profile shows two tabs open (at the top, independent of my assigned tab groups), yet in the Window dropdown, I have many tabs open in many windows not yet assigned to tab groups.
Does anyone else have this hard time working with profiles/windows/tabs/tabgroups?