Protests at State Capitol 2/17

I know, I know, "another protest post??" But this is intended to clear up some confusion that was posted about these events a few days ago (will link that post in the comments).

TL; DR: two protests happening at the State Capitol on Monday, Feb 17th. 50501 starts at 12pm per national planning (permit technically starts at 9:30, I will be there setting up around 10:30am) and Druids For Change rally 2pm-4pm. We will still be present during transition times to engage with everyone :)

There was a recent post about how confusing it’s been to keep up with all the different flyers, so I wanted to share the most up-to-date info for the protest schedule on Monday, 2/17 (a lot of flyers have had the Not My President’s Day/National Day of Protest title).

I’m part of a group organizing Utah’s 50501 protests. This movement is evolving quickly, and we’re working to coordinate with other groups to ensure everything runs smoothly, which is what we've been doing these past few days.

The 50501 national protest calls for a (Not My) President’s Day protest at 12 PM at every state capitol. Since every state handles its own permits and flyers, there’s been some confusion even outside of Utah.

Druids for Change has been planning a rally from 2–4 PM since January. Their permit says 1:30, but setup takes time, so the event will start at 2 PM. Theirs is the green flyer that we've passed around—we encourage everyone to attend!

Because the 50501 national flyer says 12 PM, we decided to obtain a separate permit from the Druids For Change event. The permit schedulers gave us a 9:30-12:30 permit because they have to give Druids an hour buffer between the events. We are collaborating with Druids and will still have stuff going on during the transition. Not everyone is on Reddit to see this post, so we want to make sure no one is turned away.

Moving forward, we’ll use a recognizable 50501 Utah flyer for Salt Lake City events and share details for other regions like St. George and Ogden. We want to make sure all of the organizations continue to have a great relationship because we're all working together toward the same goal: creating a safe space for expression, community connections, and action.

Huge thanks to Druids for Change for their collaboration—we truly appreciate them!

Thanks for your patience and support.