Weapons i DESPISE as an S+9 casual player
I have all splatana stampers at 5* and there's some weapons that made getting to that point utterly miserable. In no particular order:
Splattershot (all variants) This is the vanilla icecream of weapons. Its strength is that it has no weakness but its weakness is that it's "got no strengths". This thing is in at least every battle and it is so boring to face and play against. I always underestimate its range and mobility so i get very mad when i get splatted by it. "If its so easy just play it" NO. Its soooooooo boring!!!!
Splattershot pro: The main weapon hurts to play against as the shots feel so piercing. I know this isn't a good weapon by any means but it feels as if its everywhere and if you get in its range, you die. 🥹
Tri slosher: I underestimate its range; it should still have a shorter range for such a fast kill time.
Wellstring V This weapon is so suffocating to play against especially the custom. You're consistently marked by ps and wb and then sucepted to the main weapon.
Custom blaster: This is the most braindead weapon in the game and you can fight me on this. Triple splashdown is so braindead although bad in comp, in casual players sometimes dont know how to avoid it. The blaster as a weapon is the most braindead- at least luna and range take more skill. This is definitely my least favorite out of all of them.
Octobrush Braindead. Annoying to fight, unrewarding to kill.
Hydra splatting (especially on brinewater springs) Brinewater is already such a bad map but this thing just dominates. I can sort of deal with it with zipcaster but when I don't have my special I'm just stuck in the ink trying to avoid it...
E-Liter 4k (Especially on mincemeat) Need I say more.