I miss California so much
I grew up in NorCal (Rocklin) and lived there most of my life until 5 years ago when I was forced to move to Oregon. At first, the change in scenery was refreshing and I really enjoyed it but I feel more and more homesick each day. I miss the hot weather, colorful skies, warm beaches, beautiful, clean and upscale neighborhoods, being 4 min away from In N Out. Once I’m done with nursing school, I plan on moving back but it just feels so far away. I no longer have family in California or really anywhere but I don’t care, it’s still home to me and I’m glad I got to explore a little bit because it made me realize how much nicer it is and that California is easy to romanticize when it is simply just better. Didn’t know what sub to post this in. No one I’ve met in Oregon would understand. Sorry for the annoying post but can anyone relate?