What Are some drawbacks of your city no one talks about?
I see San Diego listed as an ideal candidate as a place for people to settle. But there are a number of drawbacks that I'll mention just to take into consideration.
-Big military base, great for jobs but also would be one of the first places attacked in a conflict - also makes it a bit more of a sausage fest when you're a dude.
-If raising a family there a good chance family will leave - the area is simply unaffordable. Had a cousin who was considering Nashville because they wanted their kids to be able to buy homes where they were at, felt San Diego was an impossibility. Another cousin did just that - came from Austin to SD, went from SD to Houston for the same reason. People are going to the Inland Empire but that is starting to have affordability issues and significant traffic issues as well.
-Transient - Went to high school in SD - those people are everywhere but where they grew up - Montana, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Colorado, Washington are the biggest landing spots. The only people who stayed were those who got jobs in tech, with defense contractors, or went into law, medicine, finance, even accounting. Because it's tough to cut it here many people are transient, here for a bit then gone.
-Bad beaches - the city probably has some of the most stunning beaches in the states - great for swimming, surfing, scuba, snorkeling, fishing, etc... But the neighboring city Tijuana doesn't have water treatment systems in place it goes in the ocean - this really became an issue in 2016 when they stopped cooperating with the US. Now the beaches are closed quite often. People are fed up with it.
It's not to say it's a bad place I loved it- the food, probably the chillest people of any big city you'd meet, The diversity of things to do - Borrego/ The Desert, The mountains/ the snow, easy access to LA, Vegas, Phoenix, southern Utah and the Sierras, Proximity to Mexico to go to El Valle de Guadalupe, find uncrowded surf spots, get $80 roundtrip tickets and below flying out of Tijuana to most Mexican cities. Anyhow I am curious what the drawbacks are to your city, or places people recommend that people on here never talk about?