Do not understand the appeal of Atlanta

Recently relocated to ATL from a very busy east coast area. Was looking for a more mellow area - and Atlanta *feels* much more mellow, but the area is very underwhelming to me. I've been here about a year and a half and don't understand why people love this area. It feels very stuffy to me, in a way different from the east coast, but at the same time it feels dumpy in so many ways. Downtown is a S show, the airport is a S show, and the northern suburbs have a weird busy but boring vibe. I don't think I vibe with southern culture.

Thinking this may not be the area for us - I wonder how we'd like metro Denver? We have young kids and would definitely be in the suburbs. I want an area that's nice/well-to-do but doesn't feel southern. Good economy, but not crazy congested like Atlanta or east coast. Thoughts??