A place with more vibrant, 'bouncy' people
I recently moved to San Francisco from Boulder, CO. I'm an NYC native.
I love the public transportation and coffee scene. Other than some racism (due to people being hypervigilant), I have found the general vibe of the city to be depressing. Friendly people are hard to come by. Even when people are nice they aren't exuberant. In Boulder, I found that even old people had a bouncy energy. I lived in Boulder for a little over eight years - and it helped me get over a lot of the trauma of growing up in the poorer areas of NYC. That childlike forever athlete energy breathed so much energy into my life.
Little things like gyms not opening until 5 am adds the sort of friction to my day that makes me feel tired (I used to go to Boulder's Crunch Fitness at 4:15 am). Being surrounded by introverts makes me feel socially exhausted because I try to strike up conversations and create connection but people don't seem interested.
The root of this is that I had a large group of parkour/tricking friends, and an even larger community, with lots of random friends that were peripheral to those athletic communities. In SF proper there are like ... three people that do my sport. There is a meetup in the greater bay area but that requires either a car or more than two hours of public transportation time. Seven months in and I feel incredibly isolated.
I don't really know what I am asking for. Has anyone else experienced this? How did it turn out?