Bernie's town hall on fox swayed my conservative father
my dad watches fox news almost exclusively for his source of news and voted for Trump. He's a Massachusetts Republican so tbf he's basically a Democrat anywhere south of the Mason Dizon line lol. Anyway, I sent him his town hall video on YouTube and got him to at least hear him out. The higher taxes didn't wow him or anything but once he started on healthcare and after he was super impressed. Especially when he has problems with insurance costs, costs for treatment, and even was forced to change doctors because his company switched insurances. He can't even use the hospital in the city we live in because his insurance doesn't cover it, he has to go to Rhode island for the next nearest hospital. So Bernie hitting all those points on a platform that my dad may have never even given a chance if this was on CNN or whatever. I don't think he's going to fully switch parties but so far if it came down to Bernie vs Trump right now he's in favor of Bernie. And definitely in favor of Medicare for all. Fucking killing it out there Bernie!
EDIT: I didn't expect to get so many upvotes as I'm usually a lurker. Thanks for the replies. For clarification my father lives near the border so it the next nearest hospital that is in his network is a few cities over into ri. There are places in mass that are just a bit further away. But the difference of having to travel an extra 10-15 mins for an emergency service that's practically down the street seems really dumb to us.