Tired of it all

It will be one of these posts, pretty much rambling about my feelings.

I honestly learned about Sandman not too long time ago, i finished main series and planned to read other things from this universe (i asked about it even some time ago, what are other works tied up to it). It means a lot to me, i am not realy into comics but this one is very unique to me.

And now, fast forwad we are at this point we are now. Its not first and the last time i been let down like that, and honestly i feel so tired. I hate i, we, need to have some moral disqusions about whatever to do with the works. I hate we cant just enjoy things in peace. I have some comfort in knowing DC kind off owns it but still this is his. I feel lot of sadness that these stories might become forgotten, i am confused and honestly people here dont help much, i see soo mamy opinions and i feel like whatever i think or choose to do is wrong.