Why the infamous Brian McElroy shouldn't be allowed to teach at all.
It is a well known fact that teachers are the workers who put together the building blocks to construct the great tower of society, that they are the ones who educate its youth, and that they are the ones who teach the right and punish the wrong. Teachers are the sole reason for our advancement as a species. When considering the effort put versus the reward, teachers are probably the lowest paid workers considering how big of an impact they make. These poor souls were willing to go through their highschool experience, the one that most of us here at /r/sat frown upon and look at it with disgust, just to grant their students the gift of education: the greatest of all gifts. This great gift should be granted in a pleasurable way for the students and must not look like a cash cow, or else we will jeopardize all the progress we have made in this field for the last thousands of years. Thus, we must act now before it's too late.
Now, when someone forces us to forget about the sacrifices and the impact of teachers on us via his/her disgusting marketing methods and uneducator-like behavior, it is necessarily for us, the students, to take all necessary steps to stop him/her at all costs. We must rise against such acts, and surely God and the heavens will guide us to the right path to retrieve the gift of education from such unworthy hands. Brian McElroy, the infamous /u/skypetutor, has not only made educators seem like literal children but has also made it seem like a toxic competitive market. He has given other educators and educational sites (uworld, 1600.io, etc..) bad reputation and has acted in a negative way when people think of them positively for the sole purpose of promoting his business. When confronted about such acts, he claims to have promoted the websites he slandered on his website. This so called "promotion", my friends, is nothing more but a mention to clear his act and not seem like the bad guy. He is using all the horrendous methods of manipulation to get us to shell out $490 an hour for his "tutoring" and ignore other greater, cheaper resources that he can't compete with, making him turn to these horrendous marketing methods.This was not all, my friends. When I politely told him to leave and called him out on demanding us that we turn our subreddit, the one we worked so hard to establish, into a market that will act as his servant, he "flipped me" off. The questions here are the following: is this how educators should act? How can I tell my children and classmates to respect their teachers and tell them how education is "a gift" when I was flipped off by another teacher when I was their age? How am I expected to comply to an educational system in which I get treated like a servant? These are all questions that I couldn't answer myself.
I decided to call Mr. McElroy out again to prevent such things from staining the great gift of education but was met with an instant ban from his respective subreddit. This is absolute tyranny and opression, comrades. This is not the behavior of a sound educator. This is not how education or educators should be at all, and if this were the way I get educated I'd rather stay at home mowing down lawns.I ask you, comrades, to preserve the great gift of education, to prevent such acts from happening again, and to give our children the education they not only desire but need. To do this, we need to boycott Mr. McElroy. Surely, the shield of education will help us rise against such tyranny and oppression, and like always the voice of justice shall make all other voices seem like whispers.
Thank you.