pls help me decide if this is a US military romance scam?

So 2 weeks ago, a guy messaged me on Tiktok and wanted to get to know me. He’s in his late 20 and claimed to be a US army currently deployed to Syria (for 1 year and a few months already) and is on a peace-keeping mission. He asked for my Whatsapp contact but I told him I can give him my instagram and he said he isn’t allowed to use instagram due to his job so I gave him my Whatsapp number and we moved there.

After a week of continuous conversation he started confessing his feeling to me and said he will marry me and retire once he gets to return from his deployment. During our many conversations, I asked about his family and he said they all passed away and he is on his own and he was brought to the US by his uncle (who recently passed away) when he was a baby. Last night, he asked me if I could hold on a valuable package that has his rewards and money via Primerex courier service (the website looks legit and this courier service is based in Tennessee). He said he paid all the necessary fees for the package to get to me but he couldn’t pay the custom clearance fee since it is up to the custom agent so I will need to pay the courier service for them to pay this custom fee. Then this all hit me since I feel like I am slowly falling into a scam.

Notes: we never made phone calls or video calls because of “security purposes” but he occasionally sends me his photos and some videos of him showing me how his sleeping conditions. I noticed his English is off sometimes with grammar or vocabulary mistakes. I never gave him my real address I gave him my neighbor’s address whom i am very closed to. He also asked me to keep all of this relationship thingy confidential because of his job

I feel like I’m too involved in this so I cannot clearly judge the situation. But someone pls tell me if this is a scam. I searched up some of his pictures and there were a few tiktok and facebook accounts that use his photos and i tried to search his name + scam but it came up empty.

Thank you for your time!