Silent Reflux Treatment & Improved Respiratory Symptoms?
Hi there! Any advice or anecdotes welcome, and thank you in advance!
Our 8w old, EBF baby has had classic silent reflux symptoms since around 2w of age.
The scariest of these though, is the wheezing and congestion she has — especially at night. A few weeks ago I took her to the ER because she was having retracted breathing. The doctor agreed that it was, but her vitals were normal and so he just said to keep an eye on her. Sometimes it sounds like she really struggles - especially while eating.
We’re going to be speaking to her doctor this week (here in Canada we don’t have paediatricians by default, baby gets a family doctor from the parent) about her symptoms. I’m really hoping she’s familiar with the issue.
I’ve read a fair bit on the different medications that are often suggested, but I’m wondering if these tend to help the respiratory symptoms as well?
We currently hold her upright after eating for 30ish min and try to do smaller feeds (a bit tricky because I’ve been struggling with oversupply). I gave up dairy for two weeks to see if anything changed, but we didn’t really see a difference. Maybe I should try again for a longer period of time?
Any recommendations or shared experiences are greatly appreciated! Thanks so much 😊🙏