Help! How much are you supposed to feed sea monkeys.
Someone bought my daughter (7) sea monkeys for Christmas (without consulting me first). We put them in the water on the 29th December. Now there is approximately 1 million sea monkeys. I am some sort of unintentional sea monkey god 😖. The instructions said feed them every 2-3 days but I feel like there is too many for that little food, all the food is gone by the next morning. I hate them they are gross. They keep shagging. They look at me with their gross little beady eyes while they do it. But alas my daughter loves them (she has named them all floppy as apparently then they can't get upset if she calls one the wrong name) so now I have an overwhelming feeling of protection for the gross little things.
Also my daughter spilt the food everywhere about 6 times so now we are running low. Where can I buy more food? (We are in the UK)
Thank you!!