the leaves hide the dogshit, I repeat: THE LEAVES HIDE THE DOG SHIT.
Everyday I walk home from downtown to my humble apartment to capitol hill. this month I have stepped in three piles ALONE and the month isnt even halfway through. I used to love dogs, but their owners are turning me off to them so bad, and it stinks. (no pun intended) Not on leashes, shitting all over the city. I was raised in Oakland, lived in Boston, and Houston and none of those cities had the dog poop problem like this one does, and I know what you're thinking: "BITcH we do not care AT ALL, you silly little bum-nugget." You wanna give excuses, you wanna compare cities, you wanna hash out the unimportance and stupidity of "rant posts." I get all of that, I hear you, and yet here we all are, reading and responding, and even writing them ourselves. let's be real y'all, we love a good shit post 😏
I really just want to warn folks - do not cut through the leaves. There are secret fecal bombs waiting underneath and even worse, when they stick to your sneakers, the leaves that stick to the shit mask the smell and by the time you get to your home, to greet your beloved cat (that knows how to shit in the litterbox like the sweet angel she is) it is TOO LATE. the shit has tracked itself all over your personal space and only you are there to pick up the pieces.